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Art Direction

Graphics Production

Project Overview:

Garrison: Garrison is a private label

brand that specializes in providing home

comfort products such as water heaters

and HVAC equipment.

With Garrison's initial launch of its HVAC offerings, I created a series of ads

highlighting Garrison HVAC and their

product features. The design goal was to

convey a feeling of comfort and present

a clean, uniform aesthetic establishing a

strong identity for the Garrison brand.

Barnett: Barnett's primary customers are professional plumbing, electrical, HVAC,

and building contractors. The company sells major brand names, but also offers its own private label alternatives at value prices.

Barnett launched a website for its VMI

(Vendor Managed Inventory) program.

By visiting this site customers could find information about the VMI program and

view a small series of humorous YouTube

videos geared toward the loss of inventory.

As a driver to the site I created this ad

playing off elements from one of the videos.

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